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The Wizard of Blizzard


Sapulpa, OK HVAC Experts since 2012

Sapulpa, OK HVAC Experts since 2012


Is It Too Late for AC Maintenance?

The short answer is no, but we know that customers reading this blog want more than just a simple yes or no. Maintenance can be one of those costs where it’s hard to parse out the benefits, especially if you’re only thinking about the short term.

But it’s becoming increasingly clear that the constant heatwaves and record-breaking weather means our air conditioners need to be kept in great shape consistently. And AC maintenance in Sapulpa, OK will do just that.

Maintenance is more complicated than a simple repair or a new system installation. It’s less about targeting a problem with your air conditioner or setting up new technology, and more about evaluating the overall performance of the system.

We check the efficiency, comfort level, and even how tightly wound all of the screws are to ensure there is as little movement or give as possible. Learn more below about how maintenance can be a smart move–even late in the season!

The Unique Benefits of AC Maintenance

Air conditioning maintenance is a helpful tool for homeowners. It’s had a bad wrap over the years because it costs money and is usually purchased when a customer invests in a system installation, so it seems like it’s unnecessary. But it’s very necessary.

AC maintenance includes a yearly tune-up where a technician adjusts and monitors the moving parts of the system. If there are any drops in efficiency, some tweaks and part replacements can be made to ensure it works while using as little electricity as possible. Your system will also be inspected during this appointment so any budding problems can be noted and prepared for.

If a component is starting to fail and it’s going to require a substantial repair, instead of being surprised in the middle of the summer with a breakdown, a maintenance appointment makes it more likely that you’ll be able to save money and prepare for the repair in a short amount of time.

Why AC Maintenance Is Never Truly “Late”

AC maintenance is late for the same reason that eating a late dinner or breakfast is late. As long as you eat something, then you’ll probably be okay, right? The same can be applied to maintenance. As long as you get maintenance once a year for your air conditioner (and twice a year for your heat pump), then you’ll be in good shape.

It’s less about the maintenance appointment timing, and more about the routine nature of it. Routine maintenance appointments ensure that nothing slips by a professional technician. We will know when something is wrong or getting worse.

Longevity and Efficiency Are Important

Where does AC maintenance impact your AC the most? With longevity and efficiency. A well-maintained air conditioner is far more likely to last its full lifespan than one that’s been neglected. This also can be said for energy efficiency, since a maintained AC is going to use less energy overall than one that’s left in the dust.

You can trust JC Mechanical, The Wizard of Blizzard, to help with your AC needs. Schedule a maintenance appointment today!

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