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The Wizard of Blizzard


Sapulpa, OK HVAC Experts since 2012


Starting Fall Off Strong: The Dos and Don’ts of Heater Repair

It’s finally time to dust off that old heater and set your thermostat correctly. If you’re lucky, the system is still in great shape and you can just change a minor setting on your thermostat to get powerful heat into your home on a chilly night. But if you’re just like many other customers we talk to regularly, you might have run into a hitch.

Does your heating system fail to turn on? Does it light up but not do anything? Perhaps it makes a strange noise that you’ve never heard before. These are all signs that you need an HVAC contractor in Tulsa, OK.

But wait! Before you look up a guide online and open up your heating system, take note. One minor error could lead to a large amount of issues that you’ll need to pay for in the future. Heating repair is not something that should be taken lightly, and you’ll more often than not need to request the help of a trained professional.

The Dos of Heating Repair

Let’s get started with some things you can do right now to help triangulate and diagnose your heating system. You won’t have the tools or experience that our technicians do, but you can at least get started with some best practices and things that won’t risk damaging the interior components of the system.

  • Call for help. If you value your time, you’ll start off by calling our team for help. Even if the problem goes away shortly, it still occurs and might need to be fixed. Trust us, we don’t mind the call, and we’re more than happy to show up and inspect the system to ensure the problem is gone for good. The longer you spend trying to diagnose this issue without calling us, the longer it might take for us to get there if something really is wrong.
  • Change the air filter. Every forced-air heating system has an air filter that can get clogged up. When it’s extremely clogged, it can lead to problems that eventually express themselves. Do yourself a favor and change out the air filter to see if that makes any improvements.
  • Document your findings. Note if you see any lights on or off. Does your thermostat seem unresponsive? Is your electrical panel having no effect on your furnace or heat pump? In these cases, you might save our technician some time by giving them a layout of what’s happening.

The Don’ts of Heating Repair

Here’s where we get into the “not-so-smart” things that can do serious damage to your heating system or budget.

  • Opening up the heater. The moment you open up your heating system, you might void the warranty. This is a very bad thing, because it could end up costing you a ton of money in the long run.
  • Snipping or messing with wires. Every heating system, even gas furnaces, relies on electrical components. These wires are usually live, and can be dangerous or turn into fire hazards when messed with.
  • Unscrewing bolts. If you start unscrewing bolts in your heating system, it can be hard to keep track of what you’re disconnecting and removing. Even a heating system that’s missing one bolt can be in catastrophically bad shape to the point where it poses a safety issue for your home.

It’s time to do the right thing and schedule repairs with our team. Contact JC Mechanical, the Wizard of Blizzard.

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