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The Wizard of Blizzard


Sapulpa, OK HVAC Experts since 2012


Best Practices for Hot Days: An August Update

It’s early August and summer is almost over—right? Well, the meteorologists on the TV surely don’t believe that, and it might not be good to get lulled into a false sense of security thinking fall is almost here. The truth is that we still have plenty of hot days left this summer and they’re going to hit in full swing.

But that doesn’t mean you can’t be prepared and looking toward the future! There are a few best practices we routinely tell our customers about every year, and now is the perfect time to go over a few of them. While you should still trust our team for air conditioning repair in Sapulpa, OK, there are certainly a few things you can do yourself to get more comfortable indoor temperatures and to feel good about your energy bill at the end of the month.

Changing the Air Filter

The air filter is an integral component of your air conditioner. This part is responsible for not only clearing the air that gets circulated through your HVAC system, but it also protects the sensitive components within your AC’s interior. We’re talking about coils, wiring, fans, and more.

As the air filter gets clogged up, the system can get bogged down with dust and eventually contaminants can start to rush through. This will ultimately cause problems, make your system dirty, make your air quality worse, and cause the likelihood of a problem to skyrocket.

Do yourself a favor and change the air filter now if you haven’t done it all summer.

Wiping Down the System

Just as dust can get into the central parts of your air conditioner through the ducts and your filter, it can also get into the system if it gets dirty. Over time, dust will settle on the casing of the system, and if enough of it settles, it’s only a matter of time before it infiltrates your ductwork and the internal parts of your AC.

It’s generally a good idea to wipe down your air conditioner with a paper towel or a damp cloth so it looks sparkly clean and doesn’t have any issues with dust or mold.

Setting the Thermostat to an Optimal Temperature

Your thermostat is an important component when temperatures are extremely hot in mid to late August. Think about it—it controls your air conditioner’s power level and the temperature setting in your home. The higher the setting is, the warmer your house might be and the lower the burden would be on your AC. But setting the thermostat lower might stress the system out even if it cools things down a lot.

Find a threshold that’s moderate, no more than 20°F below the outside temperature, but comfortable enough for you to live your life in a healthy way. You’ll thank us for this advice when your energy bill comes due.

Limiting Sunlight and Running Fans

Sunlight can affect your AC by causing the temperature to rise, even if slightly. Also, ceiling fans and other fan systems can help to circulate cooler air and make the space feel several degrees cooler. Minor changes like lowering the blinds or running a ceiling fan can allow you to ease the burden on your AC and save money on electricity costs.

Contact the Wizard of Blizzard by calling JC Mechanical’s hotline today.

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