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The Wizard of Blizzard


Sapulpa, OK HVAC Experts since 2012


Summertime Check-In: 5 Common AC Repairs That Cause Customers Trouble

Is your air conditioner on the fritz? That’s some unfortunate timing with the fact that we’re almost in July and the hottest weather is still yet to come. That kind of experience can be demoralizing for anyone, and it’s a fundamental reason why our blog exists.

We’re not just your average team that provides support for HVAC in Broken Arrow, OK. We can definitely provide that for you, yes, but we also like to provide tips and helpful information for customers who might be going through a rough time. A broken or malfunctioning air conditioner is not a fun thing to experience, and it’s something that we’d like to help with, even if you haven’t gotten to the point of calling us yet.

So, here are just a few common signs that your AC is in distress and requires professional repairs. 

1. A Loud or Uncomfortable Noise

Loud noises can be one of the first noticeable signs that your air conditioner is in distress. These sounds can be numerous and all different types, but they usually all point to one thing: your air conditioner needs repairs.

For instance, a hissing or bubbling noise can warn you that air conditioner is probably leaking refrigerant and becoming less efficient. Other noises like grinding, shrieking, buzzing, or constant clicking can be additional reasons to schedule an appointment with our team.

2. A Strange Odor

Air conditioners go through a lot of humidity during the summer, which can lead to moisture problems and clogs in the condensate line. When this happens, mold can grow which will impact the comfort of your home’s air and lead to foul odors permeating everywhere.

If you smell something funky coming from the vents, you’re likely dealing with a mold problem that requires professional support.

3. Poor Temperature Control and Lukewarm Air

Your air conditioner is designed to keep your home cool at the temperature threshold on your thermostat. That’s literally it’s purpose. If it can’t do this, then something is wrong.

Lukewarm air coming from the vents, or air that is not cold at all, can likely signal that something is seriously wrong. Check your thermostat first to ensure its in cooling mode, and then call our team to schedule repairs.

4. Inefficiency From Month to Month

Air conditioners are also designed to work as efficiently as possible, using up only the most necessary amounts of electricity to provide your home with cool air.

Check your bills at the end of the month and see if you notice any trends. If the line is ticking up and showing that your air conditioner is consuming a larger amount of energy than it normally would, you might have a problem. These can sometimes be fixed with a quick AC repair or component replacement.

5. A Breakdown

This one’s a no-brainer, but we should at least mention that a broken-down air conditioner still needs to be fixed. Replacement might be the best option, but we can’t know until we take a thorough look at your system.

Schedule repairs today with the Wizard of Blizzard, JC Mechanical!

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