JC Mechanical Blog: Posts Tagged ‘furnace repair’

Hunkering Down for the Holidays: Detecting One Important Furnace Issue

Monday, December 23rd, 2024

It’s the holiday season, which means many of our customers are getting ready to take time off from work and enjoy the chilly winter with their loved ones. Snuggle up for some movies, hot cocoa, and all the lights or gifts because for some it’s the best time of the year!

However, all of this time focusing on family and holiday cheer can cause us to lose track of some pretty important things, primarily when a safety concern is causing your furnace to be come a hazard. We know it’s not the most glamorous topic for a holiday blog post, but customers must learn to detect this one important furnace malfunction.

Just remember, our team is on call to help you with furnace repair in Tulsa, OK!

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Spooky Furnace Sounds That Should Never Be Ignored

Monday, October 28th, 2024

It’s the season for scary movies and candy! But seasonal frights should be the only things keeping you up at night. There’s really nothing enjoyable about the stress and fear of a furnace problem that’s only getting worse as the noises keep you up at night.

But the good news is that The Wizard of Blizzard is on the case! We can help you diagnose your furnace repair in Tulsa, OK and figure out the best way to keep your home comfortable and energy efficient. This blog is going to list some common sounds that a malfunctioning furnace would make, and what they might mean.

Just remember that these problems have solutions and our team can be the ones to guide you to those solutions. You shouldn’t have to stress about these problems anymore. But as for the scary movies and frightening lawn decorations—you’re on your own with those!

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New Years Resolutions That Work: Furnace Edition

Monday, December 25th, 2023

New Years resolutions are a pop culture phenomenon that don’t necessarily work right every time. We’ve all thought about going to the gym more or spending more time at home with the family as a resolution, but life doesn’t exactly go as planned. In fact, a New Year’s Resolution can sometimes make us think we have more control over our lives than we actually do.

Sorry to get existential, but we’re going somewhere with this. One area of your life that you do have control over is your heat. Whether you’ve got a furnace, a boiler, or a heat pump, there are some resolutions you can make in 2024 that keep your budget intact and your home more comfortable–all without lifting a finger.

Let’s talk about some great New Year resolutions that can work for furnace repair in Tulsa, OK.

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3 Fun Facts About Your Gas Furnace

Monday, November 27th, 2023

Knowledge is power, that’s the truth. Learning about something mundane like your furnace might sound like a waste of time, when you could be playing some fall sports or watching movies, but it’s more productive than people might think. Furnaces are a key element of our homes being comfortable during the colder seasons, and a little bit of knowledge might help you solve a problem that would otherwise be stressful and confusing.

Most furnace issues require professional furnace repair in Bixby, OK. Most homeowners don’t have the tools or experience to safely handle fixing their gas furnaces, and this is perfectly normal. But the time it takes between a furnace problem and calling for repairs is crucial, and most homeowners need to know a bit about their systems to call at the right time for support.

So, here are three fun facts about your gas furnace that will help you be a more proactive homeowner when things go wrong!

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