JC Mechanical Blog: Posts Tagged ‘HVAC’

Summertime Check-In: 5 Common AC Repairs That Cause Customers Trouble

Monday, June 17th, 2024

Is your air conditioner on the fritz? That’s some unfortunate timing with the fact that we’re almost in July and the hottest weather is still yet to come. That kind of experience can be demoralizing for anyone, and it’s a fundamental reason why our blog exists.

We’re not just your average team that provides support for HVAC in Broken Arrow, OK. We can definitely provide that for you, yes, but we also like to provide tips and helpful information for customers who might be going through a rough time. A broken or malfunctioning air conditioner is not a fun thing to experience, and it’s something that we’d like to help with, even if you haven’t gotten to the point of calling us yet.

So, here are just a few common signs that your AC is in distress and requires professional repairs. 

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